Our vision is to transform food from the cause of disease to medicine.

Our story.

Do you remember when it just stopped working? The way you were doing things just, well, was no longer enough? There simply comes a point where something needs to change.

For each of us, that started with our health. We’ve experienced that moment—whether it was needing to keep up at work, keep up with our kids, or even have a child in the first place—and found our way to break through and get healthier, better, stronger, smarter. Every time we had to show sisu (Finnish, like us) and create our own solutions that fit our health needs and physical realities, not adopt generic ones. Most people eat the same, so most people have found food becomes the cause of disease.

Elo (pronounced like “hello” without the “h”) is also Finnish and translates to either “life” or “happiness.” We created Elo to turn food into medicine so you can live life to the fullest. To accomplish this, we’ve built cutting-edge AI (from a proprietary analysis of 3,000 peer-reviewed studies) to apply to your personal health biomarkers and deliver precision to nutrition… Then, we relentlessly optimize and improve your nutrition over time. We’re starting with supplement precision packets, but we’ve got big ambitions. And we won’t stop until we’ve succeeded at transforming food from the cause of disease to medicine.

Ari Tulla, CEO
Tapio Tolvanen, CTO
Miklu Silvanto, Product

No nonsense, just science.

Robyn Heister, MD, Precision medicine
Michael Albert, MD, Obesity medicine
Tero-Pekka Alastalo, MD, Biomarker testing
Jukka Valkonen, RN. PHN, Health innovation
Zuzana Krejciova-Rajaniemi, PhD, Science Director
Silvia Segerstrale, MA, RNT, Nutritionist
Edwina Clark, MS, RD, Dietitian

Say Elo to the team.

We’re profoundly passionate about helping millions of people live healthier lives.
We’re virtual-first and actually know how to make remote working great!
We’re hard workers, but we also prioritize work/life balance.
We’re committed to helping you unleash your full potential and build your dream career.
Of course, we also pay competitive salaries, offer stock options and have a healthy healthcare stipend.