How a former Olympic skier and NFL player turned his health around

Even athletes struggle with their health. Jeremy Bloom, the only athlete in history to ski in the Olympics and get drafted into the NFL, found himself struggling with pain and bloating. This is what he did to regain his health.

When did you realize your regular approach to health was no longer working?

A few years ago I experienced digestive pain and bloating for the first time in my life. I went to the Doctor and got all the tests, but nobody could figure out what was wrong with me. Through my own experimentation, I was able to track it down to two very basic things - diet and exercise. At the time, I wasn’t getting any cardiovascular exercise, just lifting weights. It turns out this slowed down my metabolism. I was also eating a larger amount of processed foods than I had previously as an athlete. By switching my diet to an organic plant-rich diet with fish, eating other meats in moderation, and beginning to run 3-5 miles every day, not only has everything returned to a normal baseline but also I feel as good as I did in my early 20s.

What made the biggest difference?

I think both cardiovascular exercise and diet contributed equal parts but, if I had to give one the upper hand, I would say focusing on an organic, plant-rich diet has had the largest impact.

What does ‘good health’ mean to you today?

I stopped making excuses. I was traveling on a plane every three days and found myself making excuses that healthy food was too hard to find. I found myself thinking that I was too busy or too tired to exercise. Once I brought back the right amount of focus and intention to my health, that's when things returned to normal.