Issue 16: Plant-based eating

Plant-based diets are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and obesity. However, going plant-based comes with risks too, especially if you lean on mostly processed foods.

It's no secret that plant-based eating is hot. Supermarket shelves are overflowing with plant-based products such as burgers, nuggets, milk alternatives, and even dairy-less cheese. Some are good, others not-so-delicious. Regardless, America is becoming increasingly plant-forward with 29% of consumers identifying themselves as flexitarian. 

And there's good research to support the plant-eating craze too. Studies have shown that plant-based diets are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and obesity - all of which impact longevity. 

However, plant-based eating isn't always a magic bullet to good health. You can spend your days noshing on french fries, and highly processed meat alternatives, that don't have the same protective effects as whole foods. Going plant-based also comes with additional nutrition considerations such as getting adequate protein, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, omega-3s, and vitamin D.  

In this edition, we're covering common questions about eating plant-based such as 'Does it improve sports performance?' and, 'Will I live longer?'. 

Embrace the power of plants!

1. Plant-based x sports performance: Does it work?

Studies show that plant-based endurance athletes have improved tissue oxygenation, and less oxidative stress, both of which boost performance. They also tend to be leaner.  

2. The best plant-based recovery snacks. 

Top dietitians share their favorite plant-based snacks for accelerating recovery and promoting muscle synthesis after a workout. 

3. Eat more plants to live longer. 

Following a plant-based diet lowers the risk of all-cause mortality by 25% and the risk of CVD mortality by 32%. Add more plants to your diet to promote longevity! 

4. Not all plant-based diets are heart-healthy.

Plant foods are associated with reduced risk of heart disease, but not all are created equal. A diet rich in plant-based foods such as refined grains does not confer the same benefit. 

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Salad in a bowl with carrots, broccoli, quinoa, and zucchini

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