Issue 33: Why gut health matters

Gut health is hot, so we're diving into the latest research on nourishing your gut. Whether you're struggling with your weight or looking to support your immune system, most of us can stand to benefit from a little microbiome TLC.

Gut health is hot, with a growing body of research suggesting that the microbiome is implicated in everything from respiratory infections to depression. As it turns out, the benefits of gut health extend far beyond the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

However, there's still a lot we don't know about the microbiome and the gut. According to the latest estimates, over a hundred trillion microorganisms inhabit the GI tract, which makes studying it inherently tricky. Nevertheless, we've made solid progress.

In this edition, we're diving into the latest research on nourishing your gut. Whether you're struggling with your weight or looking to support your immune system, most of us can stand to benefit from a little microbiome TLC.

Let’s eat our way to better gut health together, Elos!

Yogurt and granola topped with berries

1. Immunity and your gut: What’s the connection?

The gut microbiome plays an important role in regulating immune function and maintaining the mucosal barrier. Discover probiotic foods to keep your GI tract in tip-top condition.

2. Is eating more fiber the key to longevity?

Fiber offers a wide array of gut health benefits, however, few people get enough of it. Learn about the surprising benefits of fiber (and where to find it) in this piece.

Probiotic foods in glass jars

3. Do probiotics assist with blood sugar regulation?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that have been shown to be beneficial for immunity, digestion, heart health, and more. But can probiotics improve blood sugar regulation? This article has the answer.

4. Inflammation and the microbiome.

Many inflammatory conditions are influenced by microbial alterations in the gut. Here’s what science has to say about the link between gut health and inflammatory activity.

5. Feeding your microbiome for weight management.

A growing body of evidence indicates that gut health influences the number on the scale by impacting inflammation, appetite regulation, blood sugar, and more.

Are you getting enough probiotic-rich foods? Use the code ELONEWS at checkout to get a free month of Elo and discover if you're getting the right nutrition to support your gut.